By October, autumn is in full swing, with colours changing, daylight shortening and the first frosts on the way. A crisp, bright, autumn day is the perfect time to begin tidying up in the flower beds, vegetable patch and greenhouse. Continue cutting back herbaceous perennials that have finished, or, alternatively, leave dead foliage to encourage […]
We are pleased to offer a new range of lime-tolerant rhododendrons here at Larch Cottage Nursery. Known as Rhododendron Inkarho, these plants have been developed from Rhododendrons found growing in a German lime quarry. After 25 years of testing with a million seedlings, a new understock has been developed which is much more resistant and […]
As summer slips into autumn, the rich variety of colour in the garden ignites plants that may have taken more of a backstage role during the summer months. It is hard to beat the vivid colours provided by Japanese Acers; varieties such as Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’ (coral bark maple) develop wonderful yellow leaves in autumn […]
While herbaceous perennials provide exquisite colour and fragrance at this time of year, it is also important to provide structure and colour both as a foil for your summer blooms and to provide points of interest throughout the year. Here at Larch Cottage, we have a fantastic range of evergreen shrubs that will add interest […]
Spring flowering bulbs are a fantastic way to ensure early colour in your borders, and now is the time to select, and plant, your favourites. We have an extensive selection of bulbs now in stock that will add colour, interest and structure to your borders early in the season, before herbaceous perennials and shrubs have […]
The height of summer is a wonderful time to reap the rewards of all of your efforts in the garden over the past few months. There are, however, still a few jobs that need to be done to keep your garden looking its very best in what is often the hottest and driest month of […]
We were thrilled to discover that we have been nominated in the National Garden Schemes search for the Nation’s Favourite Garden. We are the only finalist to be nominated from Cumbria and need your help in the next stage! Please follow the link below and vote for Larch Cottage, this also enters you into a […]
Encouraging butterflies to your garden with a range of nectar-rich plants is a fantastic way to add colour, fragrance and interest to your borders, at the same time as supporting the conservation of these beautiful insects. There are 58 species of butterflies native to the UK, many of which are vulnerable and in decline, so […]
The longer day length and warmer temperatures ensure that July is a busy time in the garden and there are many jobs to be getting on with in the borders and the vegetable plot. During warm weather, weeds can seemingly appear overnight. Keep on top of them by regularly hoeing when the weather is dry. […]
Hydrangeas are a fantastic genus that offer the gardener a wide variety of choice when it comes to structure in the borders and mid to late summer colour. With an array of flowering shapes, from the tightly packed blooms of the mophead varieties, through to elegant lacecaps and cone-shaped flowerheads, there is sure to be […]