Damp weather did not discourage a group of enthusiastic gardeners who spent an enjoyable Wednesday morning at Larch Cottage Nurseries learning how to prune winter vines and wisteria.
The course began in the wonderful La Casa Verde Restaurant with a warming coffee, where head gardener Nichola explained how a consistent pruning regime is essential in the production of impressive blooms on wisteria, and large, delicious grapes on the vine. Stories and experiences were exchanged and photographs shared!
Following a practical demonstration, our group then had the opportunity to try their hand at pruning the wisteria that threads through the terrace at La Casa Verde, before heading into the shade garden to watch Nichola demonstrate how to prune a vine.
A good time was had by all and, this summer, Cumbria is set to benefit from the most fabulous wisteria blooms and impressive, juicy bunches of grapes it has ever seen!
Blog post written by Jo Chamberlain