Long Flowering Anemone for semi-shade

The beautiful, long flowering Anemone ‘Wild Swan’ Awarded Chelsea 2011 Plant of the Year’, Anemone ‘Wild Swan’ is a stunning  introduction by Elizabeth MacGregor. The large white flowers 7 to 9 cm across, have a distinct blue banding on the reverse and are held above attractive green foliage. Opening throughout the day, the flowers close to bells […]

Cornus Kousa – A small tree for any garden

Why should I plant a Cornus in my garden? A genus worthy of consideration for almost any garden is the Cornus family particularly the more hardy cornus kousa cultivars. These are mainly slow growing small trees or in some cases large shrubs. As gardens get smaller with ever increasing pressure for housing our gardens are […]

Lime Tolerant Rhododendrons

What is an Inkarho Rhododendron? An inkarho Rhododendron is a new lime-tolerant rhododendron rootstock which has taken over 20 years to develop and on to which many different and popular rhododendrons are being grafted. Where is the best place to plant a Inkarho Rhododendron? Although they appear rugged in the landscape, rhododendrons have a delicate root […]

Planting for Bees

How do I encourage insects into my garden? Flying insects such as bees and hoverflies which visit flowers for their nectar and pollen perform a vitally important pollination service. Pollination is where the pollen from one flower is transferred to another flower, bringing about fertilisation. Some flowering plants are pollinated by the wind but the […]