With thousands of plants on the market, the RHS Award of Garden Merit or AGM is designed to help you select plants of quality that are suitable for ordinary garden use. The award is made after a trial period, usually at RHS Wisley, or following a ‘roundtable assessment’ by a panel of experts. To achieve the AGM plants should be suitable for ordinary garden use; be of a good constitution; widely available; stable in form and colour and reasonably resistant to pests and diseases. The award is given to any type of plant, fruit or vegetable that meets the RHS criteria. There are currently more than 7,500 plants on the AGM list, all of which are subject to regular review, and can be accessed on the RHS website.
Next time you are shopping for plants, look out for the AGM symbol, it is a mark of quality that indicates excellent performance in the garden.

Blog post written by Jo Chamberlain