‘Pink Pussy Willow’. Selected in Japan, this pinkish-red male selection forms a spreading shrub with bluish-gray leaves that are silky underneath. The twigs are covered with a grayish-tan indumentum. Flws: Feb-March. ‘The 1″ long pinkish red flowers are soft and silky. Coppice every 2-3 years to maintain a steady supply of young stems that produce the most flowers. Cut stems can be brought inside from late January on and should be placed in 3-4in of water until the flowers expand. Then remove the water and the dried stems will hold the pussies for months. Ht & Spr 6ft. Moist soil, sun or part shade.
Mt Aso (Aso-san) is the largest active volcano in Japan and amongst the largest in the world.
Please Note: We have recently be notified from a taxonomist that this is not a S. chaenomeloides selection under which we had it listed, but belongs to Salix gracilistyla; a totally different Japanese species.