One of the questions we are often asked in the nursery is when is it the best time to plant. It can come as a surprise to discover that autumn is one of the best times to plant a perennial. Regardless of the temperature above ground, the soil is actually quite warm at this time of year and, as long as the soil is not frosted or waterlogged, it provides the best conditions to allow new plants to establish a healthy root system before the spring. It is a good idea to provide a mulch for any newly planted perennials as, not only will it improve the soil structure, but it will also add an extra layer of protection when the winter frosts do arrive.
During the winter, trees and shrubs are dormant and can be obtained bare-rooted which is the most economical option, particularly if you are looking to invest in a number of plants or are looking to establish a hedge. November to March are the best months to plant trees and shrubs, after the leaves have dropped and before bud-burst in spring.
Again, planting at this time of year is a great way to allow your shrubs and trees to establish themselves in the ground, before top growth begins to emerge.
At Larch Cottage we provide a wide-range of shrubs, trees and bare-rooted hedging plants throughout the autumn and winter. From fruit trees, to ornamental specimens, evergreen shrubs to winter-flowering varieties and an extensive collection of deciduous shrubs and hedging plants, there are a great many options for your garden.
(Blog post by Jo Chamberlain)