Nadine Labas is a ceramic artist working and living in France
She creates tea boxes with a Japanese inspiration, marked by prints and fire. Unique pieces.
Terra sigillata is an ultra refined clay slip that can give a soft sheen when applied to bone-dry wares and, if polished or burnished while still damp, may give a high gloss
Nadine says:
‘Starting with a block of clay, shaping it, sculpting it and seeing it transformed by the elements; how the water lends it flexibility, the air hardens it and the fire achieves its final and lasting transformations are moments of pure joy. All of my pieces are made of white stoneware ,slab built and unique, gas fired at between 1080 and 1160°C and then placed in a saggar and fired up to 580°C or 800°C. The terra sigillata is made from high temperature stoneware.’

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